Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Gitzo Traveller Consumer Promotion

Along with their Cashback offer for a variety of different heads, Manfrotto are also running a fantastic promotion with their Gitzo Traveller series! Buy a tripod, and claim a free carrying solution.

Echoing the Head Cashback Offer, this promotion has been running from the 23rd of August, and will continue to do so until the 30th September 2010, and products acquired from authorized Gitzo UK Dealers will be valid if purchased during this time period.

Buy a Series One Gitzo Traveller, you can claim a GC1201T OR a GC2240T carrying solution, or if you buy a Series Two Gitzo Traveller, you can claim a GC3320 and a GC5210.

To claim one of your free carrying solutions, you'll need to complete the requested information on the Gitzo Redemption Form, (visit their website, or visit the link listed below), and send proof of purchase with the form to the address listed on the form itself.

The Traveller series has a number of fantastic features, such as being the world's 'most compact, full size professional tripod system', unique space saving closing system which collapses completely around the head, 6 layers of Carbon Fibre for maximum vibration absorption and stability. To top it all off, it supports SLR's & DSLR's with lenses up to 300mm.

To download the Redemption form, you can visit the page, or click the following link; http://www.bogenimaging.co.uk/webdav/site/biuk/shared/pdfs/gitzo_FOC_redempform_UK.pdf.

To find out more about this offer / contact Manfrotto with any queries, visit http://www.bogenimaging.co.uk/Jahia/site/biuk/pid/22248.

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