Saturday, 20 November 2010

New Interfit Product - Interfit Strobie PortABox.

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The Interfit Strobie PortABox has been developed with photographers-on-the-go in mind. Taking up very little space in the camera bag, each PortABox is supplied with a zip up flat packed carry case. The high quality materials are identical to the Interfit Pro Range of Softboxes, which well known for providing a high quality light source.

The 30 x 20cm softbox can be used directly on camera without affecting the AF functions of the flashgun (on most current flashguns). The window box can be used in a vertical position to enable 80% of the flashguns output to bounce of the ceiling, the remaining 20% of the light will create a nice soft catch light in the eye.

The Snoot can be used to put light on the background if required or used as a single light source to produce a soft light above the model as you would with a beauty dish.

To fit the PortAbox simply place it over the flashgun and wrap around the Velcro strap tighten as required.

STR150 Strobies PortAbox 30cm x 20cm ( 12" x 8") Canon 580EX / Nikon SB600/SB800
STR151 Strobies PortAbox 30cm x 20cm ( 12" x 8") Canon 580EX11 / Nikon SB900
STR152 Strobies PortAbox 22cm x 16cm ( 9" x 6") with window for Canon 580EX / Nikon SB600/SB800
STR153 Strobies PortAbox 22cm x 16cm ( 9" x 6") with window for Canon 580EX11 / Nikon SB900
STR154 Strobies PortAbox snoot for Canon 580EX and Nikon SB600 / SB800
STR155 Strobies PortAbox snoot for Canon 580EX11 and Nikon SB900.

The Interfit PortABox is available from our website here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Can I use the STR150 Strobies PortAbox 30cm x 20cm on th SB600, with the Commander Mode of D200 Nikon?
    Isabela (Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
