Saturday, 24 October 2009

Rollright Stones Photographic Competition 2010

The Rollright Trust is pleased to announce the launch of a photographic competition sponsored by Ricoh Cameras UK and Morris Photographic Centre Chipping Norton, Oxon.

Subject Classes:
Entries are being invited for up to 6 images taken by amateur photographers for images within the following classes:
A. Rollright through the Seasons (the Stones in the landscape and seasonal variation)
B. Living Stones (people/activities/events/visitors/performances etc)
C. Myth & Mystery (to include fantastical/artistic/manipulated images)
D. Under 16s (although children can enter other classes)

Entry Format:
Images may be entered either digitally or as prints or slides, accompanied by a completed official entry form which can be downloaded from the Rollright Trust website or can be sent on request

Closing Date:
1 October 2010 (ie. in advance of Rollright Forum 2010)

Prizes (max one prize per entrant with the exception of the overall winner):
The judges will select an overall winner, runner-up and two highly commended entries from the four class winners. Those selected will receive prizes kindly provided by our sponsors, Ricoh Cameras UK and Morris Photographic Centre: a Ricoh R10 camera, a camera bag, a tripod and a half day photography course with local photographer Sarah Howard.
The winners of Classes A, B and C will receive a signed copy of Stone Circles of the British Isles by Aubrey Burl, Patron of the Rollright Trust and, together with a runner-up in each class, will receive one year’s free membership of the Friends of the Rollright Trust and a copy of the Rollright Trust Calendar 2011.
The winner of the under 16s class (D) will win a day on a training excavation at Dorchester-upon-Thames and, together with the two best runners-up, will receive a years free membership of the Young Archaeologists Club and a copy of the Rollright Trust Calendar 2011.

Awarding of Prizes:

Rollright Forum 2010


Winning picture will form the front cover of the Rollright Trust calendar 2011 and may, if suitable, be printed as a postcard for sale at the site. Other winning pictures (plus any others that the judges choose) will be included in the calendar. They will also appear on the Trust website and in the local press.A condition of entry is that the Rollright Trust retains the right to use images in displays, promotion of the Trust, and as postcards, calendars, guidebooks etc with full acknowledgement of the photographer, who retains copyright, in each case.

Please visit Rollright Stones Website for more info on rules

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