Saturday, 19 March 2011

Hello Summer! Morris Photographic's "Things To Do" In May;

The start of British Summertime doesn't just mean warmer weather and drizzle-free outings - For British Photographers, it also means the start of hundreds of events across the UK that we'll be marking on our calendars. Whether you're into Cars, Planes, Wildlife, Music, or Historial Recreations- or all of the above - Oxfordshire is bound to have something going on for you, no matter what you prefer to have in front of the lens.

Us folk at Morris Photographic are keen to bring any events to attention that're the sort to attract photographers, and we'll do our best to provide any relevant links too.

For now, we'll bring you 'May Events', and the first one on my personal calendar is the Abingdon Air and Country Show, which marks the first flight of Vulcan XH558 in 2011, and her first flight at Abingdon since 1990. The show also features other RAF Aircraft, more modern aircraft, Classic Cars - it's the Abingdon MG Car Works Rally, for those who're interested - and it's got something for the children too! Minature Railways, Tank Rides, and many more little attractions which are sure to keep the little 'uns happy!

Another photo-worthy event in May is The Rally Show at Cornbury Park in Charlbury on the 14th and 15th. Showcasing both modern and classic cars, it'll be presenting some fantastic photographic oppourtunitys.

A very worthwhile event is the 'Classic Oxfordshire Ride for Against Breast Cancer', which is in aid of the related charity. While we wouldn't recommend trying to take a photo while riding a bike, it'd be brilliant to see some photos from the event if anyone would like to send them in!

As we said, there'll be an event for everyone, and you can find the year-round listing here. If there's an event you want us to advertise, just email me at, and I'll make sure to put it up! :)

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